Hey Gang!
Well, a little while back I finished the oil painting I was working on (at least for now.) I had posted some pics of the painting as I was working on it, but never the final result. So here it is! I'm pretty sure this is the photo of the painting in its current state:
So, as promised, here are two of my "scribble drawings" that I did at the end of last year. I just started picking up the style again and realized I still hadn't put any pics up. Here ya go!
These two drawings made their way into The Exhibit, all nice and framed of course. :)
These drawings were done from photographs by Meg Lynch. To check out her inspirational stuff just click the link over on the right of this page.
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who came by for the openning reception of THE EXHIBIT at Carson-Newman's Art Department. We had a great turnout, great food, and if I say so myself... great art (of course I'm referring to Allie's, not my own haha.) If you didn't get a chance to come by, don't worry! The exhibit will be open until May 3rd! I will try to get some pictures up from the event soon, but until then-
Have a great night and God Bless!