Monday, January 25, 2016

Coloring VeggieTales Super Comics: Rack, Shack, & Benny

Line art by Cory Jones, colors by Philip A. Buck

    As I've mentioned in a previous post, I recently had the great pleasure of working as a freelance Artist Assistant & Colorist for illustrator, Cory Jones as he illustrated volumes of the VeggieTales Super Comics series! Today I'll show you a quick look at the process for the 32 page story Rack, Shack, and Benny for Big Idea Entertainment & B&H Kids publishing. The story from the Big Idea VeggieTales video was adapted by Aaron Linne & is collected in VeggieTales Super Comics: Volume 3.

    Below are examples of how Cory's black & white line art basically looked when I received it, followed by my digital color version of each page. The majority of my work was done in Photoshop with minor corrections & adjustments in Illustrator. My original color work was in CYMK mode, but for the purposes of posting online, it has been changed to RGB mode (which alters the colors slightly.) The comic's word balloons, thought bubbles, & captions have been removed.

    If I recall correctly, the lighting effects in the last to pages above were a joint effort between Cory & myself. The full comic should be available as a single issue comic on Comixology & is already available in VeggieTales Super Comics: Volume 3, which can be purchased in most book stores and on Amazon.  This story was the first of many I was lucky to work on with Cory Jones. Thanks for checking it out! You can check out more samples from the 3 stories that are featured in Volume 3 over on my portfolio page. Until next time, God bless you, friends!

P.S. Of course, VeggieTales Supercomics & it characters belong to Big Idea Entertainment.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

My Sister's New Adele Parody MUSIC VIDEO, "SNOW"

    Last week, I shared with you all the Adele parody video my sister, Mary Morris, made & posted on YouTube. Mary is a 3rd grade teacher & the lyrics she wrote to Adele's song, "Hello" are all about wanting a snow day desperately. Since then, the video has already had over 480,000 views & counting!!! Not only that, but many websites & organizations have picked up on it and shared it like crazy. 

    Her local news station WBIR, Knoxville even got in on the fun & interviewed her (you can watch that here,) & filmed behind the scenes on the set of her new... MUSIC VIDEO!!! That's right! The above video is her new music video for the parody. It just happens some of her good friends helm InnerDigital & had been wanting to make a music video of her parodies for teachers for a while now. (You can read all about that & see behind the scenes pictures here.) 

Photo by Lisa Price Photography

     The video turned out amazingly, as you can see! Everyone involved did a phenomenal job & this new video is already going viral too! TIME's website has already spread the word about it, as well as many others. I hope you all enjoy this little diversion from the ordinary. I couldn't help but share what my cool sister has been up to! My family is always proud of her work as an amazing teacher & her beautiful singing at her church & events & we are also very proud of this funny video that I am sure will put a big smile on your faces! To watch more of here videos, just check out her YouTube channel. Thanks for watching, God bless!

P.S. Mary just got yesterday & today out of school, so I think the song is working!

So now Mary's video has made it to a lot of places...
to the Local News & Radio stations such as:
The Slightly Less Local News (good interview/article):
MANY Not So Local News stations:…/tn-teacher-parodies-adeles-hello-with…
TIME's website:
RELEVANT magazine's website:…/elementary-school-teacher…
COUNTRY LIVING magazine’s website:
ON THE NATIONAL TV SHOW, Right This Minute:…/rtmtv-mary-morris-adele-co… (Scroll Down To Watch Them Talk About It.)
AND NOW TODAY. COM!!!:…/snow-it-s-me-teacher-s-hilarious-ade…
I'm only a little surprised... My big sis is incredible!!!


My sister’s Adele Parody Music Videohas not only been on Inside Edition, but has hit over a MILLION VIEWS on YouTube! And yes, she got her snow days after all… 3 in fact. :)

Monday, January 11, 2016

My Cool Sister's Adele Parody Song

    I'm taking a moment to post something a bit different today. This isn't any of my artwork, but rather, something awesome my sister, Mary Morris made. She's an amazing 3rd grade teacher and an incredible singer. Not only that, but she is pretty clever too! Just a week or so ago she wrote and sang a parody of Adele's Hello after a teacher inservice day. The song is all about how much teachers want snow days too and it is very funny! And that isn't just my brotherly bias speaking- at last count the Youtube video of her song had over 267,609 views!

    I just wanted to take a sec to brag on my cool sister a little and share with you this fun video. Feel free to click its title and share the video with all the teachers in your life. :) I hope you all had a marvelous time over the holidays and I am sorry I didn't have time to upload a "Christmas post" like usual. Next time we'll get back to the posts with art but until then, God bless and thanks for taking a bit of your day to enjoy my sister's video!