Saturday, May 18, 2024

Batman's Biggest, Interdimensional Fan, BAT-MITE!

BAT-MITE, Ink On Copy Paper, Digital Coloring In Photoshop.

    I realized I never finished coloring this Bat-Mite drawing from last year. So here ya go!

BAT-MITE, Ink On Copy Paper.

    You see, when the great cartoonist, Jamie Cosley asks folks to #DrawBatMite on social media, you draw Bat-Mite! Are you familiar with Batman’s biggest inter-dimensional fan, Bat-Mite?

   Above, is a sped up video of the inking process. I then scanned the drawing & colored it in Photoshop. I also added some "old comic" goodness to it.

     I leaned into a Harvey Comics style for this & had a blast. I started another approach with the background colors being more dark & moody, but quickly changed directions for the over-the-top, fantastic bat-fan.

    Thanks for swinging by & checking out my artwork. I hope you all have a wonderful day! God bless!

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